- The Plucker Viewer is for the handheld. You must have this to view the files on the Palm.
- For instructions on how to use Plucker, see the K12 Handhelds Site.
Handheld technologies, including Palms, GPS, student response systems, and other devices, are less expensive than computers and provide 1-to-1 access to technology in K-12 classrooms.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Plucker Part II
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
MathAce 1r2 (Freeware)
MathAce is what we have been waiting for! Finally a free math program that let's you print the results! Here's the skinny: Kids can set their own options including the operation (+ - x ÷), the maximum operand OR answer (how cool is that?!), and whether or not to allow negative numbers. They can also set the amount of time for the practice session.
The best part though, is that the students get to decide whether to calculate (2 + 3 = _ ) or solve ( _ + 4 = 6). This is something that I haven't seen before in a free math application.
Finally, from the author of the application, "MathAce keeps tracks of your successes and failures. The Last 10 scores can be exported to Memos." This is a nice little feature because you can then print the Memo (if you have printing cabability using something like PrintBoy). Below is a sample of the data that is exported to Memos.
1: Lynn Lary
Started: Sep 22, 2005 11:27 am
Stopped: Sep 22, 2005 11:29 am
Timed: No
Score: 32 of 36
Operations: +-*/
Mode: Calculate
Max: Operand, 10
One note: Students cannot continue on until a problem is correctly answered. Regardless of how many incorrect attempts are made on a single problem, it is only counted as one incorrect answer.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
QuizWiz V3.3 (Freeware)
So, how is it used? Teachers and students can create their own quizzes in Memo Pad (see direction below) and import them into QuizWhiz to study any topic (we were working with vocabulary) in a variety of formats (multiple choice, true/false, or self scored flash cards).
To create the quiz in Memo Pad, create a new Memo. The first line of the memo will be the title of the quiz. Then put the question on the 2nd line and its answer on the 3rd line and so on alternating between the questions and answers. Once you finish this, open QuizWiz and import the quiz. One thing to note: QuizWiz randomly generates the other multiple choice options. However, you can provide your own alternatives by editing the quiz from within QuizWiz.
Quizzes are beamable. However, if you have students create quizzes for their classmates, make sure that they have included a correct answer for each question!
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Geohelper 0.1.3 (Freeware)
JotLog Update
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Sketcher V2.0 (freeware)
NOTE: We are waiting for the new version as the current version doesn't work with the Tungsten E2. Works great on the Tungsten E!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Plucker V1.8 (freeware)
There are two components to Plucker: the Plucker desktop which allows you to select the web content you want to download and the Plucker viewer Palm application that allows you to read the web content once you have hotsynced. You can beam the Plucker files to another Palm from within the Plucker viewer.
Name Picker V1.2 (freeware)
Snap (freeware)
Open Snap, click the Enable button and uncheck the Auto disable box. This allows you to take as many screenshots as you like without having to open Snap each time. You should see "Snap Key" and it is defaulted to Power. What this means is that when you want a screenshot, you have to click the power button. You'll here a beep, then wait a few seconds for your Palm to process the image (your Palm is not frozen, so be patient!).
To use the image, transfer it from your SD card to your computer.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Moose Update
One of the tricky ones to delete is Moose. According to the author of the program, you will need to delete Moose. Then, make a soft reset by pushing the reset button and then delete the following files:
Friday, July 15, 2005
JotLog V 2.0 (freeware)
Monday, June 27, 2005
ShapeUp ($14.95)
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Simplify and MixedUp (freeware)
SpellIT (freeware)
HiMoney (freeware)
Gone Mad (freeware)
Monday, June 20, 2005
Idea Pad 3.1 (freeware)
However, all that has changed with Idea Pad 3.1. It works quite similarly to the program Inspiration, allowing you to create a diagram, switch to outline view, and then export your work to Memo Pad where you can continue the writing process.
Thanks to Tony Vincent for his tip on deleting files: "To delete a file, tap the file name from the "Choose a file" screen. Then tap the Details button. From there, you can delete it."
Moose 1.1.3 (freeware)
If you're students are not using text-to-speech in the writing process, you may want to do a little reading. My web page on this topic includes several worksamples showing the student's progress as she writes, listens, spellchecks, listens, and revises.
One thing that you will want to do is to turn on Moose (in the Moose options) so that it can be accessed from all programs in the shortcuts menu.
Monday, May 09, 2005
BeSmart V1.3
This is a time limited demo version; the unlimited version is $8.
Friday, May 06, 2005
Monday, April 25, 2005
Salary Utility
This program allows students to calculate how much they really make once they take into account the costs of commuting, paid vacation, insurance, etc. This is a good tool to help students understand that an hourly wage isn't necessarily worth its face value. A drawback to this program is that it doesn't take into consideration social security, retirement, state and federal taxes. In addition, teachers would want to supplement the use of this program with discussions about topics such as how much commuting to a higher paid job located farther away would cost (is public transportation available? is a car necessary?) as compared to a lower paying job within walking distance.
I'm Back...
Oh, and email me at llary@lynnlary.com if you are interested in a particular type of Palm software.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Friday, April 08, 2005
We bought this program because it actually speaks the numbers allowing students to have audio feedback about the numbers that they are working with. For instance, if you enter "2 + 4 =" it will say "two plus four equals six." But, do be forewared because when you start working with two digit numbers, it acts a little odd. For instance, if you enter "24 + 13 =" it will say "two four + one three equals thirty seven." The way that we use it is to help students learn how to say multi-digit numbers correctly. For instance, when you enter "24 =" it will say "two four equals twenty-four." The nice thing is that you can have it pronounce numbers up to 99,999,999.
Thursday, April 07, 2005
One nice feature is that you to create word lists in Memo Pad and then import them into WordDraw, which is great if you are trying to reinforce specific vocabulary. You can also set the animation speed and the case of the letters. As with most Palm programs, there are not many choices, so the program is easy to use.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Tan Free
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Environmental Footprint Calculator (EFC)
Students are asked a series of 13 questions about their lives: how much food they waste, how big their homes are, what kind of transportation they use, etc. Once all of the answers are entered, the students learn how their lifestyles affect the earth. The data is presented in four different ways:
- The number of Earths needed to support all humans if everyone lived the way they do
- The number of football fields needed to support their lifestyle
- How their own consumption breaks down (acres needed for housing, transportation, food, etc.)
- How their individual consumption compares with the average American, the averages of people living in Sweden, Nigeria, and five other countries as well as with the world as a whole.
Monday, April 04, 2005
Friday, April 01, 2005
WIB: What-if Builder
This type of story provides readers with a variety of options as to how the story will come out. It also provides a highly differentiated activity for student authors. The program is easy to use and can be used with primary through adult students. For more information about WIB, see my instructional unit. Oh, and don't forget to download WIB from Kidsolve.
PS: I have found that when beaming WIB stories, the receiver needs to exit from the WIB application (else the app will die forcing you to do a soft reset).
Thursday, March 31, 2005
1. Enter a year between 1800 and 2004 (ie: 1850)
2. Enter an amount of money (ie: $325)
3. Enter a second year between 1800 and 2004 (ie: 2004)
4. Calculate
In this case, I had read (National Oregon Trail Center) that it cost $100 for a wagon in the 1850s and another $225 for three oxen. Based on the actual rates of inflation, that's $7,211 by 2004 standards! And, that's just for the oxen and the wagon. So, ask yourself: what kind of people came across the Oregon trail with wagons and oxen?
Need I say more? This program rocks!
NW Handheld Project
During the 2004-05 school year, the South Lane and Eugene 4J School Districts began the second year implementation of handhelds in the classroom. These two districts, in conjunction with the Lane Education Service District, are assisting Creswell, Three Rivers, and Springfield School Districts in the implementation of their own 2004-05 handheld initiatives. This blog will feature applications that we have found helpful to the teachers and students in these Oregon K-12 districts.
To help teachers learn more about classroom use of handhelds, the South Lane and Eugene 4J School Districts have worked in partnership with the Organization for Educational Technology and Curriculum to develop the Northwest Handheld Project. Visit the site and be sure to contribute to the applications database!